Patterned curtains

Post Getting started | Interior design tips for first-time buyers

When you are about to purchase your first home, you might be already thinking about how you would like to decorate it and where you would place certain things. However, interior design in your home can be more difficult than imagined. Everyone wants to get everything in place right away and be done with the moving in stage. After all, you have been waiting for a fair amount of time to be as cosy as possible in your new home. Here are some interior design tips for moving into your new home.


A plan can help you to discover what work needs to be done in the house if any, for instance, there’s no point planning to paint the walls if you plan to knock one down to open up the space. Before you move into the home you can ask for a measured plan to study therefore you can see where certain pieces of furniture will fit and can be placed.


Roman blinds and cushions

Curtains and blinds are often overlooked when purchasing new furniture and supplies for a new home – but they are in fact one of the most crucial components. Without curtains and blinds, you may not be able to sleep, you’ll be exposed to passers-by, and it will be more difficult to block out noise, drafts, and light. Make sure you include curtains and blinds in your plan for your interior.


Many people underestimate the power of good lighting in a home until they move in and find out that it’s not as bright as it seemed on the original showings of the house. You can layer the lighting in certain rooms, ceiling lights for cleaning or working and perhaps some side lamps or candles for softer lighting when entertaining or relaxing.


If you have just brought your first home, you should definitely put your own stamp on it and decorate it in the way you want it to look. Let the design of your home represent your personality, don’t be afraid to go bold when you start to decorate. Use things that express you and decorate according to your taste. Everything will link together to create your own personal comfort.


It can be the most challenging to decide what you want to do with each room and how you want to decorate it. So why not start off with a calm colour palette and then gradually do room by room exactly how you would like it. Painting the walls white will give that nice, clean, and new feeling. You may even find that the light crisp walls suit the home and decorate with bolder accents around the room – this is a very popular option right now or to have a feature wall.


You will be tempted to buy things you may not need to fill your new house with, we know that this can easily result in a lot of clutter. If you are buying things try to remember that you do need to throw things away too. Updating your home is great and can be really fun but remember you are updating it rather than adding to it.

We hope that this blog can you an insight into the world of interior design, if you have any questions then please feel free to head over to our website or get in touch to discuss how we can help with blinds and curtains to fit any interior.